
“An Amulet of Mara? You’re not married? Surprising. – [Interested in me, are you?] – I am. I’d be glad to stand by your side until the Divines take us, if you’ll have me.”
Aeri’s Marriage DIALOGUE
- Gender: Female
- Race: Nord
- Class: Lumberjack
- Faction: No
- Location: Anga’s Mill
- Trainer: No
- Follower: No
Sure, Aeri may not have much money, and her best looking days may be behind her (no offence Aeri, you’re still a fine lady!) but not everyone wants a young hot-headed spouse to run off into battle with. If you’re after a more mature spouse who knows the value of hard work then Aeri may be for you.
While she can’t accompany you as a follower and doesn’t offer any training, she does live in a cute cottage with an unlimited supply of firewood (kinda useful?). Like any spouses who live in small locations like Anga’s Mill, one of the main benefits of marriage is that you can fast travel straight to your home if you choose to move in with them, personally, I think that’s a pretty big daw card.
How To Marry Aeri
- Locate Aeri at Anga’s Mill a short distance directly west of Windhelm.
- Talk to her and she’ll mention that you can sell her firewood.
- Use the chopping block on her property to chop some firewood. Take this back to her and she will buy it off you. She can now be married by following the usual process.
- Purchase an Amulet of Mara from Maramal in Riften. If you haven’t visited Riften before you’ll find Maramal in The Bee and Barb, otherwise try the Temple of Mara.
- Make sure you’ve discussed marriage with Maramal (dialogue won’t trigger otherwise), wear the Amulet of Mara and go talk to your beloved. The marriage dialogue option will now be available – “Interested in me, are you?”.
- After agreeing to get married, visit Maramal again and he will set the date for your wedding for the next day. Walk outside and wait 24 hours.
- Walk back into the temple of Mara. Your spouse will be present and the wedding ceremony will commence.