
“An Amulet of Mara? You’re looking for marriage, then. – [Interested in me, are you?] – Won’t lie, I am. And you?”
Athis’s Marriage DIALOGUE
- Gender: Male
- Race: Dunmer (Dark Elf)
- Class: Warrior
- Faction: The Companions
- Location: Jorrvaskr in Whiterun
- Trainer: Expert-level One-handed
- Follower: Yes
Athis is the only Male dunmer character who you can have as a follower and also marry. He’s also an expert level trainer in One-handed. This means, once you have him as a follower you can level up One-handed for free by training with him and then trading with him to take back the gold you just paid him. To trigger his eligibility as a marriage candidate you need to complete the main questline of The Companions.
How to Marry Athis
- Head to Jorrvaskr in Whiterun.
- Join The Companions and work your way through their primary questline.
- Complete the final quest in The Companions questline – Glory of the Dead. You can now ask Athis to be your follower and he is eligible for marriage.
- Purchase an Amulet of Mara from Maramal in Riften. If you haven’t visited Riften before you’ll find Maramal in The Bee and Barb, otherwise try the Temple of Mara.
- Make sure you’ve discussed marriage with Maramal (dialogue won’t trigger otherwise), wear the Amulet of Mara and go talk to your beloved. The marriage dialogue option will now be available – “Interested in me, are you?”.
- After agreeing to get married, visit Maramal again and he will set the date for your wedding for the next day. Walk outside and wait 24 hours.
- Walk back into the temple of Mara. Your spouse will be present and the wedding ceremony will commence.