Njada Stonearm

“Look at you. Wearing an Amulet of Mara. Are you saying you’re available? – [Interested in me, are you?] – You are pleasant company, more than pleasant. And what about you? Would you… be interested in a life together?”
Njada Stonearm’s MaRRIAGE DIALOGUE
- Gender: Female
- Race: Nord
- Class: Warrior
- Faction: The Companions, Potential member of The Blades
- Location: Jorrvaskr in Whiterun
- Trainer: Expert-Level Block
- Follower: Yes
Like the other marriageable characters from The Companions, Njada Stonearm is a formidable fighter to have by your side as a follower. Although strangely, even though her class is warrior, she has many skill similarities to a thief class, with proficiencies in Sneak, Pickpocket and Speech.
Speaking of speech, one thing to keep in mind with Njada is that she has quite a harsh personality. When you first meet her she outright disdains you, but after completing the Companions questline her attitude softens a little. Even after marriage though, she can still be quite hard-edged in her speech.
While this may be offputting to some players, others find it a refreshing change. This is because most spouses become sickly-sweet in their dialogue after marriage, constantly espousing their love for the Dragonborn. Njada, on the other hand, keeps some of her pre-marriage sass. For example, this is her response when you ask her to cook you a Homecooked Meal:
“I should be asking you the same question, but alright, I’ll cook. Here try this, and don’t you dare ask for another one before tomorrow!”
How to Marry Njada Stonearm
- Visit Njada Stonearm‘s home: Jorrvaskr in Whiterun.
- Speak to the leader of the Companions, Kodlak Whitemane, and ask to join the Companions, to start the Companions questline.
- Complete the questline and ask Njada to be your follower. Once you have recruited her as a follower the usual process for getting married can be followed.
- Purchase an Amulet of Mara from Maramal in Riften. If you haven’t visited Riften before you’ll find Maramal in The Bee and Barb, otherwise try the Temple of Mara.
- Make sure you’ve discussed marriage with Maramal (dialogue won’t trigger otherwise), wear the Amulet of Mara and go talk to your beloved. The marriage dialogue option will now be available – “Interested in me, are you?”.
- After agreeing to get married, visit Maramal again and he will set the date for your wedding for the next day. Walk outside and wait 24 hours.
- Walk back into the temple of Mara. Your spouse will be present and the wedding ceremony will commence.